

Gindi Maimonides Academy provides 560 students with an exceptional Jewish and secular education. Tuition fees cover 87% of the total cost of educating our children. We rely on the energy, talent and resources of our parent body and friends of the Academy to close the budget gap.

At Gindi Maimonides Academy, we have built a strong community with a core purpose to nurture and inspire our students to reach their greatest potential as Orthodox Jews in the modern world.  Through our program we strive for excellence, passion, connection, respect and commitment to being Jews in the today’s world.  Thank you for your interest in partnering with us to achieve these goals.

Funds raised from our Annual Campaign allow us to respond to immediate needs and capitalize on future opportunities. Our generous families and friends enable us to maintain our commitment to excellence, provide meaningful professional development opportunities to our staff, and retain a faculty that is unique in their ability to respond to student needs.

For information regarding our fundraising opportunities, contact Sharoni Samorli, Events Coordinator at or 310.659.2456.

Giving Opportunities

The Day of Learning - Chinuch Habanim Appeal

The Chinuch Habanim Appeal allows every family to participate in this year’s Annual Campaign.  At the same time, it is a wonderful opportunity to commemorate a loved one’s yahrzeit, simcha, birthday, anniversary, or other celebratory events.  Your generous sponsorship will contribute towards the cost of offering each child a vibrant Jewish education, while celebrating or memorializing a loved one.  Donate here.

Family Festival at Santa Monica Pier

Attended by over 1300 students, parents, grandparents, alumni and staff, the Family Festival is an event you won’t want to miss! Each fall, the Academy rents Pacific Park for an exclusively Gindi Maimonides evening.  The event is free to students and their parents.  Costs are covered entirely by donations.

Sign Up HERE.
Click HERE to see pictures of the latest Family Festival.

MVOS - Many Voices One Song Concert

Tifferet Banim Fellowship Trustees Circle

Inspired by a quote from Mishlei 17:6 where King Solomon teaches us that, “The crown of grandparents is grandchildren, and the glory of children is their parents,” the Tifferet Banim Fellowship campaign is used to fund scholarships for students who cannot afford full tuition. This exclusive event is attended each year by our largest donors. Click HERE to see photos of our 2023 event. 

Click HERE to become a Trustee.

Campus Expansion

Our new 50,000 square foot facility opened in 2015. Students and teachers are inspired by the new innovation lab and classroom technology.  An awe-inspiring shul, with furniture crafted in Israel, sits as the center of the institution.

Simcha Foundation

Introducing, the Simcha foundation. The Simcha Foundation was established as a way to thank Hashem for His goodness by commemorating the happy, joyous occasions of our lives. Funds donated to the Simcha Foundation are invested in a perpetual endowment fund and the proceeds are used to provide scholarships for children at Gindi Maimonides Academy. We invite you to commemorate your Simcha by adding your child’s name to our beautiful Simcha Wall located on the 3rd floor of the Kest Family Campus building. Click HERE to donate.